This is a topic of interest to all mothers, even those who haven’t given birth yet, because each of us wants to recover immediately from childbirth and still be beautiful and attractive.
Before you can talk about exercise, you need to start with recovery! Often mothers, after being discharged from the maternity hospital, before they get home, start making plans for recovery. They look for literature, gyms and fitness trainers to get their bodies back in shape as soon as possible. When they get back home they start circling with the pram, exhausted with fatigue, not understanding the basic principles of recovery. REMEMBER First and foremost, it’s important to let your body recuperate itself by coming home from the maternity ward to sleep and lie down.
Pay attention to the pelvic muscles
Try jumping, it may be accompanied by involuntary urination, the same when playing with the baby, sneezing. This is the norm after childbirth. But for some reason it is the first thing all women do with their abdomen, they do, like garter belts, bandages or abdominal exercises. It is important to pay attention to the pelvic floor muscles, because after childbirth they lose their strength. They had to relax enough to let the baby out into the world. 10 women’s innermost desires right after labor Tonus of intimate muscle For example, you’ve been working out hard, you’ve even got results, but alas, it won’t be a long-term investment. If your intimate muscles are weak, your stomach will soon start sticking out again. That’s why you start by rebuilding your pelvic floor muscles, then work on your stomach, not the other way round. Otherwise, you could make things worse and earn the prolapse of female organs. Source:
For example, you’ve been working hard on your abs and you’ve even got some results, but alas, it won’t be a long-term investment. If your intimate muscles are weak, your stomach will soon start sticking out again. That’s why you start by rebuilding your pelvic floor muscles, then work on your stomach, not the other way round. Otherwise, you can make things worse and earn a prolapse of the female organs.
Let the baby lie still on its own, don’t constantly carry it in a sling or in your arms, alternate with a pram, let your relatives carry the baby. Don’t push when going to the toilet, especially if you have symptoms of urinary incontinence. This can exacerbate muscle weakness and organ prolapse; Forget about heavy bags from the supermarket. There are delivery services for this. No more than 2-3 kg in your hands. I recommend that you do your abs no sooner than 3-6 months after giving birth. I sincerely believe that this recovery for a woman is more important than squats and lunges.