Why don’t dreams come true? Because mistakes are made in the mechanism of dreaming. Fix them soon and be happy!
Whoever said dreams don’t come true was an outright pessimist! Dreams do come true! But they are like a car, which first needs to start, then gain speed, accelerate, cover some distance and, finally, deliver its passengers exactly to the destination. Do not “slow down” on the way to your dream! And we will tell you what is such an unnecessary break.
In the dream do not need to believe as a fanatic believes in God: devoutly, falling into a trance and promising to commit suicide, if God immediately, right there will not let himself know. All it takes to make dreams come true is to know that they will come true. To know calmly, without fuss in the mind and in the penis. Excessive tension in the dream field kills the dream. Do you want to go to the Bahamas? And not for a vacation, but for life? Wake up every morning as if your departure is days away. But the suitcase is already folded, the tickets bought – you are ready, calm, confident in yourself and in your dreams.
Why aren’t your dreams coming true? What have you done to make them come true? Like the joke – “Why don’t you at least buy a lottery ticket!”? You have to go to your dreams, you have to take small steps, but you have to keep moving. Do you want to marry a millionaire? Then why the questionnaire on the dating site for the residents of your area? Do you have millionaires at every entrance? Well, then I’m sorry! Move on to your dreams, it’s not for nothing that the word is feminine: he likes to be “wooed”.
Dream is quite a complex concept, and it relies on notions of spirituality. One should not dream solely of material goods and one’s “reclining” on those pompous laurels. Behind every dream there should be a lofty goal: to marry a millionaire and a big hospital for sick children, a new car, and behind it – opportunities that are at least for your family. And better yet, for relatives as well. And for the neighbors, at least a little bit. However, sometimes the fulfillment of dreams is given not by light forces, but on the contrary. But you have to pay for it very dearly. But that is another topic for discussion. Dream on! And let your dreams come true!