There are topics that are difficult to talk about, but it is better to know everything about them. Let’s find out the answers to the top questions about miscarriage and its consequences that you would like to ask your gynaecologist.
According to medical terminology, a miscarriage is defined as a spontaneous termination of pregnancy that can occur in women in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. A spontaneous abortion after 20 weeks is medically referred to as a stillbirth.
The truth and myths about miscarriage: what not to do? WHAT Causes a Miscarriage? Most miscarriages in the first trimester are due to chromosomal abnormalities in the foetus. However, there are also a number of other causes, which include: poor health of the expectant mother unhealthy lifestyle (smoking, alcohol, drugs, caffeine abuse) gynecological infections diabetes thyroid disease autoimmune disorders stress
Symptoms of miscarriage
In the very early stages of pregnancy a woman may not even know that she is pregnant and miscarriage may be asymptomatic. But in most cases of spontaneous abortion the following symptoms are present:
- bleeding
- with blood clots and a dull,
- aching pain in the lower abdomen.
In many cases, however, these symptoms can also occur in a perfectly normal pregnancy. So you should not panic and think of bad things at once.
What happens after a miscarriage? Usually, after a miscarriage, a woman may experience a small amount of bloody discharge from the vagina. And if no fetal tissue remains in the uterine cavity, these symptoms are completed within four to six weeks.
How to prevent miscarriage? Most doctors say that miscarriages are unfortunately very difficult to prevent, especially in early pregnancy. But a healthy lifestyle is the only way to reduce your chances of miscarriage.
Women who are planning to become mothers should give up alcohol and smoking, not abuse caffeine, drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day, and of course eat a healthy diet!
Who is at risk? The older the woman, the more susceptible she is to miscarriage because age is one of the main risk factors. The female reproductive system ages at the same rate as the rest of the body. And the chances of developing chromosomal abnormalities that occur in the ovaries after the age of 40 are increasing.
Such risks also include:
- underweight women
- obesity
- consumption of alcohol during pregnancy
- night work
- carrying heavy loads (more than 20 kg)
Which factors can make a numerous miscarriages? While the first miscarriage could be caused by a chromosomal abnormality, the second or third miscarriage is likely to be due to other medical causes. There may be several: gynecological infections thyroid disease diabetes clotting disorders autoimmune disorders. Only a doctor can determine the cause of several successive miscarriages after a thorough examination.
When can I expect my next pregnancy? Doctors are divided on this question. Some physicians believe that there is no need to wait and, after the first menstrual cycle, you can resume trying to conceive a child. Others believe that conception should not take place earlier than 3 to 6 months after the miscarriage, because the uterus needs time to recover. So you should trust your doctor in this matter and decide together with him which timing is right for you. Don’t forget that most women who miscarry successfully carry to term and give birth to healthy children.