5 Happiness Hormones: Where You Can Find Them

Do you want to experience happiness, love and joy every day and many times? All in your hands! The happiness hormone is in each of us, and not even one. 

The art of being happy isn’t that hard to master. Even nature herself has taken care of it by giving us the happiness hormone. Did you know that we have several of these hormones responsible for happiness, love and joy? Let’s get to know them and learn how to use them properly. 


For what is responsible: motor activity, the ability to learn the world around us, self-motivation.

Where is it found: in chocolate, bananas, dates, plums, tomatoes, dairy products and cereals.

When it is produced: in sunlight, with light physical activity (walk, yoga), when you do your favorite thing, after sleep, when meditating. 

How you can trigger the hormone: periodically engage in “happiness meditation.” Waking up in the morning, laughing for 10 minutes.

Agreed, it’s not easy, but you’ll definitely enjoy it afterwards. Start with a smile first and then move on to laughter. You’ll get an upbeat and joyful mood for the day!


What is it responsible for: pleasure, the ability to learn and motivate oneself, resilience in stressful situations. Where is it found: in fish, meat, dairy products, almonds, avocados, bananas. 

When it is produced: when you have sex, eat good food, go for a walk, laugh.

How the hormone can be triggered: dopamine is often produced in parallel with serotonin. Therefore, “happy meditation” is also appropriate in this case.

 Also, dopamine is produced when we achieve a goal or get what we want. The pleasure we experience is a “product” of dopamine. Praise yourself for your accomplishments!


 What it is responsible for: unconditional love, empathy, warm feelings.

Where it is found: in sweets. However, when we have eaten something sweet, its effect is short-lived. 

When it is produced: when there is falling in love, sympathy, when we meet a person we like. 

How you can cause the hormone: meditation and self-knowledge. Gives a state of absolute acceptance of all aspects of life.


What is it for: openness and trust in another person, reduces anxiety and tension. 

Where is it found: in medicines. 

When it is produced: in love, during sex, orgasm, during childbirth and breastfeeding. 

How you can trigger the hormone: 

Have sex with the person you love! It is proven that a woman will never leave a man who gives off oxytocin. This is a level of trust she is unlikely to encounter yet.


What is it responsible for: affection, dependence, loyalty, paternal love. 

Where is it found: in a person. When it is produced: in love. 

However, we are talking about love-dependence and love with conditions – with jealousy, demands, inflated expectations. 

How you can trigger the hormone: if you do not want to have a painful relationship, you need to work with your demands and expectations of your partner.

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Author: Susan Grundy

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Mom Lifestyle, Relationships

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