What to Do If A Child Asks Too Many Questions?

Children are, of course, a great joy, but they are also a lot of work. Everyone is familiar with nappies and sleepless nights with tummy aches and teething. Many do not even realize that the older a child gets, the harder it is for the parents.

For example, there’s the period of “learning.” – Baby learns the world, and you suddenly find yourself under a barrage of questions, you realize that: first, you do not know the answers to simple questions, and secondly, do not have a single quiet minute. Many parents consider the period of “geeks” the most difficult in the education of the child, because you have to cope not only with the avalanche of information, but also with their own irritation.

Recommendation 1. No irritation. I understand that fiery appeals not to be angry at the “flower of your life” are ridiculous and ridiculous, the child, no matter how creepy it may sound, can also be annoying – by not understanding, hurriedly, untimely questions, etc. But it is precisely in this period that the foundations of perception of the world are laid – dear parents, you have to try, otherwise it will be more difficult in the future.

Recommendation 2. Say the first thing that comes to mind. You will agree that it is a little too early for your baby to know the scientific, physically correct explanation of the rainbow phenomenon, but what can you do if he/she wants to know the answer to the question “what is a rainbow”? Give simple, clear answers, say the first thing that comes to mind – for example, that the rainbow is a bridge that leads to the sun. Believe me, at this stage it is enough.

Recommendation 3: Sometimes a question is not just a question. The period of “learning” coincides with a period of active socialization. It happens that the child asks the parents the same question over and over again – in this situation he does not want an answer, he wants communication. Accept his rules – swap roles. Ask him the question: first the one for which he already knows the answer, and later the task can be made more difficult – let him do some thinking.

Recommendation 4. There is no such thing as a pointless question. Sometimes out of the blue the child starts to ask questions that don’t make sense and confuse the parents. But there are no meaningless questions, just parents who don’t understand. Don’t understand what they are talking about? Ask leading questions, ask for more details about the situation – it is likely to be about something that came to your child’s attention even a week ago, but which has made a strong impression.

Recommendation 5. Reinforce what you have learned. Children love to share new information. If he has asked you many questions and received many answers today, give him a small test: let him tell you what he has understood from your conversation. You will have the opportunity to correct his understanding – this will give him another chance to see the logic, enrich his vocabulary and develop the skills he needs to communicate.

Dear parents, look at this difficult “whys” period from another angle – in fact, it is a great opportunity to get closer to your child and see the world through its eyes. Believe me, you will regret that it ended so quickly!

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Author: Lorene Mitts

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