Pregnancy Is A Time For Exercise!

Pregnancy is incompatible with the pursuit of records at the limit of human strength. However, if it proceeds normally, exercise and physical activity should be part of a woman’s life. This is important, because it is the most physiological way to strengthen and train all systems that help safely carry and give birth to a healthy baby. Sport serves as a preventive measure against overweight, congestion and circulatory problems. Such a wide range of positive effects without side effects does not offer any medication for pregnant women.

What comes in handy in the maternity ward?

Expectant mothers should train in the best possible comfort. This is why it is best to choose comfortable and technologically advanced sports wear for your workout. They will also be useful after the birth, when you get in shape.

The main postulate for the future mommy athlete: no records. Just keep up your usual physical activity, with a slightly reduced pace in the first trimester. But remember, that you still have to say goodbye to certain activities until at least the birth.

Forbidden exercise

What should be avoided?

contact exercise: hockey, boxing, football, basketball etc; 

exercise with high risk of falling: skiing, snowboarding, horse-riding, cycling and surfing;

exercise that can cause oxygen deprivation: scuba diving, parachuting, high altitude climbing and trekking;

all high-intensity exercise, if you have not participated in them before, e.g. running, “hot” yoga, strength training;

exercises that require you to lie on your back (after the 16th week of pregnancy).

Anatomical and physiological changes – an increase in body weight and a shift in the center of gravity – should also be taken into account. Each month of pregnancy increases the load on your joints and spine. Bear this in mind when exercising. 

Allowed exercise

In the early stages of pregnancy, all exercises that you have practiced before, except the ones mentioned above, are suitable.

In the middle of pregnancy, you and your baby can enjoy: walking, swimming, exercise bicycle, low-intensity aerobic exercise, adapted yoga and pilates. 

Before the birth, you can treat yourself to aqua aerobics, yoga for pregnant women and swimming. Special sets of exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles are recommended.

By the way, pregnancy can present some exercise “surprises”. In the body of the future mother increases the production of progesterone and relaxin – hormones that help to increase the mobility of pelvic bones. As a nice bonus, they also relax other ligaments. We don’t recommend splits if you haven’t done them before, but your stretching and plasticity can grow considerably in company with your tummy.

Remember that any physical activity should bring you joy and pleasure. If you experience discomfort or pain, have back problems, notice an increase in blood pressure or other unpleasant symptoms, stop exercising immediately. After all, the health of your mother and your baby comes first!

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Author: Paige Jones

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Pregnancy, Mom Lifestyle

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