10 Early Signs Of Autism In A Child: How Not To Miss

How to understand that your child has autism? Pay attention to the baby’s behavior! If it has some of the features described in this material, it is a signal to consult a specialist!

Autism is a mental disorder in which a person is more immersed in their own world than in the world around them. This state remains with a person for life and affects his lifestyle, ability to communicate and interact with the outside world.

Every child with this diagnosis has autism in different ways: one may be more adapted to society, sometimes undergoing special therapy, the other is completely closed and can not interact with people at all.

According to statistics, boys suffer from autism almost 2 times more often than girls. But it will be easier to help your child if you notice the problem at an early stage.

Signs of autism in infants do not respond to people and surrounding sounds

Young children are always interested in people, react to the environment, smile. They listen to voices, react to facial expressions and gestures, look into people’s faces. Autistic children often do not respond to words when approached by adults and do not maintain eye contact.

Does not respond to the name

As a rule, at the age of one the child already understands that it is necessary to react to his name. If you do not have a reaction to the name at this age, this is a reason to see a doctor.

No interest in the surroundings

Autistic children do not look people in the eye, are inactive (do not clap their hands, do not gesture), usually behave very calmly, sometimes even too phlegmatically and do not need approval and reaction from others. If your child does not need much attention from others and you notice the above symptoms, talk to your pediatrician.

Language development

Of course, language development is an individual thing and each child begins to speak at a different age. But by the age of 1.5-2, the baby should definitely be blabbering and making some sounds, trying to imitate his parents. If this does not happen, talk to a specialist.

Autism in children 2-4 years old

 From the age of two, a child becomes more social, he wants to communicate with peers, like the environment and is interested in many things. It is at this age that autism can be recognized almost without error. On what grounds? 

Lonely games

At the age of 2-4, even very calm children show interest in other children, give them their toys, quarrel, interact. If your child avoids other children, always prefers to sit apart from others and play alone, not understanding how to play with peers, then this is one of the main signs of autism at this age.

Does not repeat after parents

 Parents watch their parents and like to copy their behavior. In addition, they grasp the basic social gestures that we repeat every day (for example, waving goodbye) and repeat them quite early. Autistic children are not very interested in such observations and do not react to the gestures and facial expressions of others. 

Does  not like touch

Babies with autism are very vulnerable and do not like changes around them, even in human behavior. They do not like to be touched by others, and sometimes even relatives, often break out of their arms and do not like to be in the arms of adults. If such a child is upset, he can calm himself by pumping in different directions and hugging his arms over his shoulders.

Reason to be warned! 

Parents should consult a specialist if they see at least one of the following signs in their child:

  • does not like to be touched, stroked on the head;
  • does not look into your eyes, or looks as if through you;
  • does not walk at 12 months;
  • does not point a finger at objects at 12 months;
  • repeatedly quotes excerpts from books, commercials, movies – and this is the main manifestation of speech;
  • plays with unusual objects: ribbons, hair, sticks, lays them out in a row;
  • sudden loss of speaking or social skills at any age, possibly after illness;
  • hyperactive / inattentive;
  • does not respond or respond to his name.

A professional will help

Have you noticed any of these signs in your child? Be sure to consult a specialist in the following order: pediatrician – neurologist – speech therapist – psychiatrist. Only the last doctor (and only he!) Can diagnose your child.

Keep in mind that these symptoms do not necessarily mean that your child has Autism. There are many diagnoses that resonate with symptoms. However, this is in any case a reason to be wary and turn to specialists.

Autism is a disorder that is affecting more and more people. But today many different methods have been developed aimed at developing a child’s independence, independence and skills of social adaptation, in severe cases, children are taught the basics of nonverbal communication.

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Author: Susan Grundy

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