4 Tricks For A Smooth And Stress-Free Return To Work After Maternity

Start with a small part-time job.

This will help you figure out what you really want to do and how much you can earn with this kind of work. Remote employment will suit moms who are tired of the household routine and want to balance work with taking care of the family.

Anabell is a philologist. Before becoming a mother, she worked as a translator and foreign language teacher. Now she has five children, the youngest is just over a year old. But the mother of many children still makes time for her interests. She has found a remote part-time job: doing translations, helping with homework for schoolchildren and students. Anastasia adjusts her work to the family’s schedule and spends the money she earns on travel. Last year, for example, she went to Cologne to see Sting’s concert. 

“Even if there are no money problems in the family and the kids are still young, I advise you to find a part-time job as early as possible. If you choose an occupation to your liking, this time you will invest in your own development. When your head is busy only with the house and children, you quickly get tired of the monotony. If you give your brain a different workload, you feel much livelier and more confident”, says Anabell.

Teach your child to play while you work

This skill will help moms who have not parted from their child since birth, are afraid to leave him in the care of his relatives and with fear think about returning to the office. But any child psychologist will tell you that an important task for parents is to teach their baby to occupy himself or herself without adult involvement. Working from home with your child will be a good exercise in independence for both you and your baby.

Before the birth of the child, Susan owned an online store and was planning to return to the business when her daughter went to kindergarten. But her daughter’s frequent illnesses made her forget about active work. The family needed money, and Susan found a way out: she worked as a mystery shopper online and reported to the client by phone. At first, the young mother called the stores only when the child was asleep. Then she started working when the child was playing.

“I kept my computer or phone handy and when I saw the baby playing by himself, I started doing things. Used every free minute I had. My daughter saw that I had my own things to do and started entertaining herself. That way I did not neglect my child or my work, even during a difficult time for the family. I gained experience and over time began to supervise the work of other mystery shoppers. As my daughter grew older, she stopped being sick so often and I went to work full-time”, – says Susan, mom of a three-year-old girl.

Stay in your profession, but reduce your workload  

For moms who are used to working hard and confidently building a career, it is important not to lose professional skills during maternity leave. But you don’t have to hire a nanny for your newborn to do this. While the child is small, try to do the same, but on a smaller scale: offer your manager to help the company remotely or pick up orders yourself in your profile.   

Ann has a successful career in HR. She was not planning her first pregnancy, planning to take the next step in her career. But the girl was not afraid to take a break. During her maternity leave, she found interested clients on her own and works as an HR consultant on a freelance basis.

“With the first child I had time to work while he slept. When the family had a second baby, I had to slow down. Nevertheless, I remained in demand in my profession – I gave up some of my clients, but I continue to work to keep up with trends. I also began to prioritize: I take only really interesting orders “- says mom Ann weather balloons.

Switching to freelance work, really assess your strengths 

If an office job does not suit you, then assess how effectively you can work on freelancing. The main difficulty – finding customers. In order for a one-time client to become a regular customer, he must know that you will do the work well and on time.   

Betty is an economist. She has found an optimal routine for herself: she spends part of the time with her three-year-old son, and part of the time working remotely: writing essays for students, calling people and companies in the database. Says that such orders are many. The main thing is not to let you down the first time you work with a client, and to prove yourself as a good specialist.

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Author: Cheryl Gorman

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Mom Lifestyle

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