Pumpkin is so self-valuable that you don’t need a lot of ingredients to prepare a tasty, and most importantly, also healthy dish. The brighter the vegetable, the more useful it is. For beta-carotene to be better absorbed, the dish must be topped with cream or sour cream: for the little ones, they can be used to draw funny faces on the bright red surface.
Kids with pumpkin
Pumpkin is one of the richest sources of beta-carotene, 100 grams contains its daily rate of children. In our bodies, beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A, which is necessary for the prevention of myopia, for normal bone growth. Vitamin A is very important for children’s immune systems.
The fact that it was vitamin A makes active work a special immune organ – the thymus gland, in which the maturation and “training” of the immune system cells takes place. Thanks to this gland activates the body’s defense against infections and viruses that attack the baby from the first days of life, the child’s immunity depends on it. By the way, the gland grows only until puberty, and for adults it is not so important and with age it atrophies at all.
Very useful pumpkin for hyperactive children. If you eat it regularly, it improves memory and attention, the nervous system calms down, and sleep becomes calm and strong. Babies who have problems with digestion, pumpkin dishes will also help. Boiled or baked, it improves the function of the stomach and intestines, helps to normalize stools and flush out everything unnecessary from the body.
Spicy baked pumpkin pancakes
Pumpkin and pumpkin juice is recommended to give children for constipation, bloating and abdominal pain, it also helps to normalize and increase acidity of the stomach. Pumpkin kissel (can be combined with fruit) – a great remedy for any problem with the children’s tummy.
Pumpkin and rhubarb kissel
Pumpkin can be offered without fear, even to children who are overweight: pumpkin is a low-calorie product, easy to digest and considered dietary. Therefore, as a filling for pies, samosas or manty it is indispensable: it is nourishing and easy on the stomach. And, most importantly, children like such “one-piece” dishes (unlike the salads) much more.
Lenten manty with pumpkin
A dish that no child will refuse – and adults will definitely support it! – pumpkin pie. A sign of true fall, this dessert is quick and easy to make, and it has only one drawback: it runs out too quickly.
Pumpkin Pie.
All in all, pumpkin is delicious, healthy, and also a lot of fun. Our advice: if the miracle berry turned out to be large, and even after cooking all these dishes you still have a lot of pulp, freeze it. Then the orange “sunshine” throughout the winter will serve you as a source of vitamins and a source of culinary inspiration.