The summer fruit season is in full swing and there is a lot to see in the markets and supermarkets now – fragrant peaches and melons, watermelons, different types of grapes… You want to enjoy all this abundance and get your fill of vitamins, especially important for pregnant women – because she eats for two! But these seasonal fruits do not suit everyone and expectant mothers, in the first place, need to be very careful in their summer menu.
Watermelon during pregnancy is a valuable source of folic acid (vitamin B9). Thanks to it, the nerve cells of the fetus are well formed, guaranteeing its normal development. For the body of the future pregnant woman, folic acid is useful because of its ability to positively influence the immune system and hematopoiesis. But remember that watermelon in large quantities causes swelling – do not overdo it, eat a little.
Contraindications: Watermelon is highly undesirable for pregnant women with colitis, stomach upset, kidney stones, urinary flow disorders.
Melon during pregnancy is not a product to be abused. Especially those who already have flatulence should be careful. Melon causes fermentation and stimulates flatulence. You should also remember that melon is one of the strongest allergens. Start eating it a little at a time, even if you did not have any problems with it before pregnancy.
It is unacceptable to eat melon on an empty stomach, before breakfast.
Grapes are delicious and have many health benefits, but they cause a heavy stomach, gas, excessive weight in the mother and the development of a large foetus. 100 g of grapes is about 72 kcal. Fructose and glucose are abundant in them.
Contraindications: Grapes during pregnancy are not suitable for those with gastrointestinal problems, gestational diabetes and overweight.
Peaches are very useful if the mother-to-be is often constipated during pregnancy. They are also good for digestion with low acidity and for pregnant women with urolithiasis. However, they contain salicylates, which cause allergies in large quantities.
Contraindications: Peaches should not be consumed by allergic pregnant women, expectant mothers with diabetes and overweight.
Remember that some expectant mothers’ diet during pregnancy excludes the consumption of sweet berries and fruit. Then you will probably not be allowed all of the above foods. Be sure to discuss this with your doctor!
One Simple Secret To Raising Your Child To Be A Strong Person
Every parent wants to raise their child to be strong, self-sufficient and successful. It is so important that the child is able to withstand the pressures and cope with the realities of life.
All too often, however, some of the strategies parents use in the parenting process are not as effective as we would like them to be. Amy Morin, a licensed clinical social worker as well as psychotherapist, makes a striking analogy with captive-bred animals in her book 13 Things Strong Parents Will Never Do. Because of the nature of captive rearing, such animals are not usually released into the wild afterwards. Biologists say they lack the life skills to survive on their own in an aggressive external environment.
Many of these educational trends have been grouped together under the term ‘helicopter education’. The term was first used by Dr. Foster Kline in 1990. “Helicopter parents” came to be called those who paid too much attention to their baby’s worries and problems, becoming like a helicopter constantly circling over the child’s head.
Such parents usually don’t give their child any freedom, protect them from all failures and try to transfer their own value system and behavior pattern to their child. Amy Morin explains how involved parents today are in their children’s lives. For example, they may send out CVs for their adult children and even try to negotiate salaries. “Do you think your child can’t find a job on his own? Or do you think he can’t cope with the challenges of the workplace on his own? It’s a really big problem, but it’s yours,” notes Morin.
This does not mean that children do not need your help. Instead of doing things for them, Amy Morin suggests that parents give their child advice, guidance, encouragement.
Your child’s future boss or partner is not interested in someone who still relies on their parents – financially, physically and emotionally. Allow your child to experience setbacks, give him or her their own space to deal with problems and let him or her deal with the consequences on their own. Don’t try to shield them from the realities of life, experts say, adding that overcoming adversity on their own is what builds a strong personality.